“Freeform” Inglourious Basterds Free Online
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directed by=Quentin Tarantino.
Countries=USA, Germany.
creator=Quentin Tarantino.
٭✰ ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧
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Admittedly it is one of the hardest tasks to make a movie about the Nazis/WWII. IB might be the best one I've seen so far. The problem I and probably many people have is that we know very much about the period of time and automatically, we keep on comparing the historical information stored in our brains with what we see on the screen. IB, of course, is far from being close to historical facts, but still the setup of the movie are "real. So I was very excited and my heart was throbbing towards the end, and the tension that is built up got stronger and stronger as the film goes on for a looong time, so I couldn't help being just a little disappointed of the end that seemed a bit too simple, given the complicated characters and drama that is built up during the movie.
That being said, it still was quite entertaining. What I didn't like was that some characters were kind of useless to the script, as Mike Myers' act, which was good, merely served to introduce the British spy, who got killed shortly after he was introduced. Also, I would have liked to see more of Hugo Stiglitz and all of the Basterds in action, not just in flashbacks.
But anyway, great performance by most of the actors (except maybe the German actress/spy who was a little lame) and of course the greatest idea for a movie about the Nazis. Still a must-see.
Best scene ever in a move: the opening scene of Inglourious Basterds.
This scene alone is better than rear window, better than inception, better than fight club. And these are my favourite movies. It is more than "edge of your seat stuff, it will have you on your knees. Once you see the truck approaching the house, the end result is inevitable. For the duration of the scene you are praying that the colonel will just leave, but he sits still simply smoking his pipe. His politeness is unnerving too. When the soldiers are called in, you feel like falling to the ground and shutting your eyes forever, it is just so horrific. When a movie does this to you, or in this case just one scene, you know your in the hands of one talented director.
The rest of the film is no disappointment. Tarantino's style and talent continues to impress throughout, especially in the bar scene. The suspense here builds up hugely, not unlike the first scene, until an epic climax of gunfire amazes the audience. Among the violence, the movie contains light-hearted elements. The humour is very accurate, especially with the dialogue of Brad Pitt's character, Aldo Raine. Altogether it is top class entertainment.
I also can not go without complimenting the acting. Brad Pitt and Michael Fassbender's job was well done, but the star of the show was Christopher Waltz. His role was brilliantly played, as his character, as I said before, was unnervingly polite and terrifying.
All in all, a terrific achievement by Quentin Tarantino. I would recommend this film to all who are a fan of his style. 5 stars.
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